2024 Medical Authorizations (Step 2)

Please fill out this form for each child attending camp and click Submit.
Authorization for Medical Treatment of Minors:

I/We do herbey appoint the Camp Hunt nurse and/or staff of Camp Hunt, Hubbardsville, New York to act on my behalf in authorizing unexpected medical, dental, surgical, and hospital care for the named minor above during the period my/our absence from 6/30 to 8/31.  This document may be presented to a physician, dentist, or appropriate hospital representative at such time as unexpected medical, dental, surgical, or hospital care may be required.
Please select all that apply.
Meningitis Immunization Response

New York State Public Health Law requires the operator of an overnight children's camp to maintain a completed response for every camper who attends camp for seven (7) or more nights.

(Note: The vaccine's protection (Menomne™, Menactra™)may last for only 3-5 years.  Consult your physician for revaccination recomendations.)
Please select one option.
Repellent and Sunscreen Permissions

Tick and Insect Repellents
* Permission for my child to carry and use tick and insect repellents.
* Permission for unlicensed personal to assist my child who is unable physically to apply the repellent when directed by the child.
Please select one option.
Sun Screen
* Permission for my child to carry and use FDA approved sun screen to prevent overexposure to the sun.
* Permission for unlicensed personnel to assist my child who is unable physically to apply the sun screen when directed by the child.
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form for each child attending camp and click Submit.